One man attacks the U.S. Supreme Court!

Well the U. S. Supreme Court has surely screwed themselves this time. I presented them with substantial evidence of fraud going on in our American courts and they just keep protecting their legal system like evil dictators. Here’s what I showed these jerks at the U.S. Supreme Court with all the evidence proving a miscarriage of justice and the fraud going on in our State and Federal Courts today and they have refused to correct any of it:

  • First Pennsylvania hid evidence of perjury of their key witness just to politically railroad me for misdemeanor charges. Because of Pennsylvania’s fraudulent activities I had to take this all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court and they too kept all of it hidden because it would open up a can of worms which would have exposed all their self-imposed immunity, protectionism and the fraudulent corruption going on in our American Court System today.
  • Second I showed the U.S. Supreme Court that my attorney did indeed lie straight to my face about taking a no contest plea to avoid State time which proved his heinous ineffective assistance of counsel. This imbecile is now a judge in Erie, PA, go figure.
  • Third I submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court, the true perjury evidence of Pennsylvania’s only key witness. Evidence was also submitted proving that Pennsylvania willfully told an Erie Federal Court that my new found evidence of perjury was dismissed in the lower court when Pennsylvania absolutely knew it was never dismissed. Sicker yet was the fact that a judge in this Federal Court believed that a Pennsylvania Court somehow dismissed perjury evidence of their key witness. I almost committed suicide when I got that ruling from that Federal Court.
  • Fourth I showed these jerks at the U.S. Supreme Court that I had repeatedly filed motions to this Federal Court that Pennsylvania had indeed committed fraud upon their Federal Court and was repeatedly denied any hearing to prove the fraud and lies even when Pennsylvania offered no evidence of any dismissal of the perjury evidence. Keep in mind this evidence proved the perjury of their key witness which Pennsylvania was hiding all along. Could it get even sicker: after this Federal Court dismissed all my motions I then sent the perjury evidence back to the trial judge and that imbecile told me I had submitted the perjury evidence of the State’s key witness too late? This is not fiction people as you will see all my evidence is taken from court records.
  • Fifth before I went to the U.S. Supreme Court for these railroaded misdemeanors, the FBI said get even more evidence, so I had Attorney Hathaway search the entire court records in the lower court and he found nothing about any dismissal of the perjury evidence of their key witness in the lower court. Thus Pennsylvania committed fraud upon this Federal Court by saying my new found perjury evidence of their key witness was dismissed in the lower court when it was not. I did indeed submit all this evidence to the less then Honorable U.S. Supreme Court and they refused to correct any of it: a sickness I truly fail to understand.
  • Sixth I showed this less than honorable U.S. Supreme Court that forged insurance policies were dismissed in the lower court to protect one of the largest employers in the town. Keep in mind no court including the less than honorable U.S. Supreme Court would consider a motion to verify that forged insurance policies were being used to establish death threats in a young girl’s mind and induced by her mother. When our highest court protects the internal corruption in our legal system and endanger the welfare of our children what else can I say the system is defunct!
  • Seventh I showed this less than honorable U.S. Supreme Court the heinous torture of a young girl caused by these fake death threats and the related damage to both families, they did nothing nor did any court granted a hearing to expose the truth.
  • Eight I voiced the connection my ineffective attorney to his brother the Ex-Governor of Pennsylvania who had indeed politically gave huge amounts of money to an arena project in Erie, PA benefiting the Erie insurance company who had indeed caused the forged insurance policies to be used for death threats of a very young girl and they just didn’t care about Kathryn’s well being.
  • Ninth After the U. S. Supreme Court dismissal, I sent all this evidence again to two justices of the U.S. Supreme Court because I thought no one read my evidence but nothing was done by them so I gave one of them until July 4th, 2020 to fix it and that time has now passed.
  • Tenth I’m offering $10,000.00 to exposed these animals in our legal system and get them punished for this miscarriage of justice and for the frauds going on in our American Court System today. This kind of court protectionism of all our legal authority figures and their dearest friends is not what my dad and myself served this country for: our legal system has become a total disgrace. If you think just the police need reform for their biases and their protectionism please have a look at our entire legal system including the U. S. Supreme Court. A word of caution this evidence will shock your belief system because it is worse than third world dictator justice! 

You decide if these animals should be judging any of us?

The evidence

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